Integrative Acupuncture and Manual Therapy - Nyack, NY
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Oriental Medicine and Acupuncture
Acupuncture is one of the modes of treatment within the framework of traditional Oriental medicine, which has a continuous history spanning several thousand years. Great numbers of physicians have practiced acupuncture through its long history in many styles from the varying traditions among China, Korea, Japan Thailand and all Asian countries.

It is a constantly evolving medical art and more recently in history western practitioners have made their contributions.
Ultimately each practitioner develops his or her own style that may combine approaches from several distinct traditions.
Depending upon the training, skill and experience of the practitioner, acupuncture, along with other modes of oriental medicine such as massage, herbology and qi gong are able to address all aspects of the individual.

Traditional acupuncture is based on the principles of qi or chi (vital energy) that flows through distinct pathways called meridians. Although the various points along these pathways are accessed superficially, they connect and communicate with the deepest aspects of the body to regulate all functions of the body-mind continuum.

Along with acupuncture, all the modes of treatment in the oriental medical model follow the same principles, and several modes may be combined in a treatment, although each is considered to be a complete system in itself.

Qi, Blood and Jing—the Three Main Components

Qi (yang) is a topic widely discussed in Oriental medicine, and many believe it defies a clear definition. It is frequently referred to as “vital force” or “prana” in the Vedic traditions. It is my belief that qi is the effect in nature and in a body-mind that is a total that is greater than the sum of the parts. It is the phenomenon that is dependent upon all relationship and the effect of intention.

Blood (yin) is our resource—the substance that nourishes and builds the body-mind. The relationship of qi and blood is inseparable. They are dependent upon one another. Blood is sometimes referred to as “the maternal matrix” and gives rise to qi, while qi moves and regulates the blood.

Jing is a substance that many are less familiar with. It is our essence—our constitutional substance—what we inherit from our parents and ancestors—our DNA. It is the deepest aspect of who we are. Qi, blood and jing are all inseparable and dependent upon one another—giving rise to and nourishing and supporting the others.
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